Principal Annual Report

Honourable Chief guest of today’s SPEECHDAY and PRIZE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION,Guest of honour and Other distinguished guests, directors and directresses of Green-Shield Academy, Parents, Teachers, Staff and students. I most heartily welcome you all to this 20th Speech day and Prize distribution function of Green-Shield Academy. In this auspicious day, graced by your presence, it is my proud privilege and honour to present before you my ANNUAL REPORT on Green-Shield Academy and its Academic Session 2016.

But, prior to that, if I may be excused, like every year I shall take the opportunity of this day to recall before you, when and why Green-Shield Academy came into existence in this region.

The school was founded on 9th of May, 1995 in this very British Bungalow built way back in 1911, which was then known as Green-Shields-II.

Taking the inspiration from the very name, our school became functional from 2nd of March, 1996 as Green-Shield Academy, with its motto Epluribus Unum which means one out of many. The birth of Green-Shield Academy was indeed a creation, that was one out of many, for many reasons than one. It was a brain-child of its founders and their dream shared with people of this region, to give this region a school that would be, So much so, like any good schools in towns or elsewhere, as this region was deprived of one such school for many years and not all parents could send their wards to schools in towns and for off places. With the advent of Green-Shield Academy in this region, much of those dreams were realized and many such necessities were met with. Today, after almost 15 years, Green-Shield Academy is proud to have stood to the expectations of the people and has successfully sent 15 batches of students. Out of this school after having completed their schooling successfully with successful board examinations.

Green-Shield Academy, was established not only to facilitate the region with a good school with ICSE curriculum, but, at the same time it had more better aims and objectives and aspires for more better noble causes. It provides a plat form for education not only to the privileged few but many of those underprivileged and down trodden children of this region or elsewhere.

Education in totality with a combination of knowledge, development of confidence, personality morality and responsibility towards one self, towards others, towards society and towards his or her surroundings, is what the school aims at. Every Green-Shielder is therefore, expected to be a complete human being with integrated personality. For that matter, the school aspires to facilitate students with as many facilities as possible for a good and modern education, bringing in him or her all round or all sided development by keeping him/her confined not only to text books but by providing him/her enough room to grow physically, mentally and morally, with lots of co-curricular and sporting activities, strict regulations and discipline and plenty of leisure for fun and play, because the right education in our opinion, is the one that does not rob a child of its childhood.

To say the least, There is consistent hardwork and dedication with all sincerity from all quarters whether it be management, Teachers or Non-teaching Staff and to top it all, The location of the school too, plays a vital role in bringing about a good performance and discipline by the students, as it provides a god ambience with reserve environment. Furthermore, This school from its very onset, stood for the cause of the common men and the society at large and has ventured to understand the various problems specially economic, faced by the people. Nominal amount of money the school charges as fees in comparison to any other ICSE schools anywhere, Scholarships for good performers and free education for underprivileged and Martyr’s children are some of the steps taken up by the school towards fulfilling the promises made by the school and as solutions to many of the grievances faced by the parents. To put it straight and in short, This school aims to provide the best of education but at very reasonable and effordable charges for the benefit of the common people and the society at large. So far as recognition of the school is concerned, after having obtained provisional NOC from West Bengal government, I am hopefull, That very soon we will also obtain the permanent NOC from the government of West Bengal. Which means, If things work out as per our expectations, the day is not very far when this school will obtain its own affiliation with the ICSE council, New Delhi and achieve its objective of being the first recognized ICSE school in this region. And now my report on the academic session 2016, ladies and gentleman ……….

The academic session this year, started from 1st of March with 351 students, 19 teaching staff, 2 office staff and 12 non-teaching staff. The new appointments in the teaching faculty this year were Ms. Manisha Dewan (M.A, Bed) and Mr. Arvind Rai (MSC). Rest of the teaching faculty includes Mrs. Kalpana Subba (MA), Mr. Rajiv Rai (M.Com), Mr. Pranay Chhetri (B.A. Hons), Mr. Sakil Gurung (Bsc,Hons), Mr. Gyalbo Moktan (BA), Ms. Rohini Pradhan (MA) Ms. Preety Tamang (B.A), Ms Smrita Lama (B.A.Hons), Ms. Nisha Rai (MA), Ms. Neeta Khawas (B.Sc), Ms.Bandana Chettri (H.S) and Mr. Sushant Pradhan apart from Director Mr. C.K.Lama, Directress Mrs. R.Lama and myself. The on-set of the session was marked with usual distribution of Books and uniform to the students, appointment of school captain, Vice Captain and prefects, house picking and appointment of house captains and vice captains, Annual teachers meeting for year’s planning and distribution of responsibilities to the teachers for curricular as well as co-curricuar activities and finally class wise Parents’- teachers’ meeting to sort out various problems faced by our parents, to listen to their grievances and suggestions and mostly to relate them the first hand information about the school and its regulations.

To encourage and enhance academic performance by the students, various measures were undertaken. The session that was divided into three terms were followed by unit tests and examinations, progress reports and one to one parents meetings.

The primary wing though in the same school remained segregated acadedemically under the able supervision of Directress Mrs. R. Lama as the Co-ordinator. The Nursery and kindergarten section got a new place and a new learning and playing and little ones were given careful attention and nurtured with warmth and affection, which the grade teaching in the junior section from Class-I to IV remained efficiently functional under the good care of our efficient and affectionate grade teachers. In the senior section measures like, option to choose between arts and science was offered to the students as per their caliber and will, as a result of which our Class-IX and Class-X have Arts and science sections functioning simultaneously. Such a measure has brought about a lot of ease in students who were always overburdened with subjects and went through a lot of hardship and failure against their will and Caliber.

To encourage and boost the moral of the students, The ones that stood first in class were honoured with badges inscribed with words “FIRST IN CLASS” and 50% rebate in school fees as scholarship.

In then junior section upto class V, the students procuring highest merits in class were awarded with prizes after every term. And of course , the ones who will excel in general proficiency and various co-curriculum activities of the school will be awarded today. Besides motivation through awards and competitions, teachers’ meetings were held at regular intervals and proper planning of the lessons and class activities by the teachers were maintained and scrutinized on weekly basis.

As said earlier, to enhance academic performance by the students, the digital Audio-visual classrooms/smart classes too have to a larger extent served the purpose of aiding curriculum where our students have always enthusiastically responded to it. This year we upgraded our smart classes and increased the number from 2 to 3.

Ladies and gentlemen, the fruit of such consistent efforts and measures undertaken by the school, is borne every year with successful I.C.S.E. results and this year was no exception.

Out of 26 children that appeared ICSE examination, only two marginally missed 1ST division percentage while the rest 24 procured good first division percentages. The highest percentage getter among them was Riwaj Chhetri who scored 89.2% and he will be felicitated before you today. With this year’s result, Green-Shield Academy is proud to have procured 100% success in ICSE examination for the last 15 years.

All sided development of a child is what the school aims at and every Green-Shielder is expected to be well trained in all aspects of life, to be worthy to the society and the nation at large. Keeping this view in mind’ the co-curricular activities apart from day-to-day curriculum find an important place in the academics of Green-Shield Academy.

Therefore, co-curriculum wise, in the aspects of games and sports, our students get the opportunity to play games like cricket, football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, table-tennis and some indoor games.

When it comes to co-operation and competitions, our students both girls and boys have actively participated with lots of enthusiasm in events like Inter-House Volleyball and Basketball Tournament on separate occasions.

And the same enthusiasm was evident when our students actively participated in SCHOOL MARATHON that was held on 30TH of April after about a long gap of 10 years. The theme of the Marathon was “ save Mother Earth." On the same note, Jr. ANNUAL SPORTS held on 14TH of May saw active participation from our juniors, whether it be variety of races, display of drills or demonstration of Karate and Thai boxing. The winner of the day were awarded with prizes before the large audience that comprised mainly of parents and Chief guest.

In this way, Physical Value through games and sports, physical training classes and health awareness programmes, finds an important place in Green-Shield Academy. Keeping the same view in view Martial Arts lessons were made compulsory to the students as a part of co-curriculum. Apart from sporting events and games, other co-curricular activities comprised of Spelling Bee, Quiz, Elocution, Handwriting, Creative writing and drawing Competitions.

Recitation of poems by the juniors and delivery of speech by the seniors and the teachers were carried out on a regular basis throughout the year. Such compulsions bestowed on students have helped them to a larger extent to ward off their fear of speaking in public and build up confidence to do so. Side by side, the teachers’ speeches in the morning assembly have kept our students well informed in a large variety of subjects.

Ladies and gentlemen, I take pride in saying that our student really work hard and perform well in all activities of the school but no less are our teachers who take great pain in training the students for different competitions and events. Such combined consented efforts from teachers and students, bring out good results and this is clearly evident in the only show we host for our parents annually i.e the SCHOOL ANNUAL CONCERT. Annual concert is by far the most sought after event in Green-Shield Academy. The event was held for two days on the 26TH and 27Th of October before large audience that comprised of parents and other invitees. The variety of items staged in the event were immensely scintillating, thoroughly entertaining and mainly theme based, which was highly appreciated and applauded by one and all present to witness the show. The credit, of course, will go to the team work displayed by School Management, Staff and Students. Other school functions and celebrations observed in our school this year were out going students’ farewell in April, School Foundation day on 9TH of July,

Bhanu Jayanti celebration on 13th of July, Teachers’ day and Children’s day celebrations and not to forget, today’s Speech day and Prize Distribution function. Finally as I wind up report, I would like to take the opportunity of this last day of the session, to thank God and everyone attached to this school for making this session yet another successful session for green-Shield Academy.

The Board of Directors and Directresses for your consisted support, presence and dedication to take Green-Shield ahead. The teachers and staff for your sincere hard work and dedication for making curriculum and co-curriculum so efficient and successful. Prefects and students, for the responsibilities and the obedience in keeping up, the regulations of the school and discipline.

The parents, for keeping faith on us and for your kind co-operation, encouragement and moral support to the school. The distinguished guest and the guest of honour and last but not the least, I would like to extend my warm regards and gratitude to our today’s chief guest. Thank you sir for your gracious presence. We are indeed honoured and privileged to have you among us here today.

And thank you everyone for the patient hearing of my report and the moral support and encouragement you give us by your presence, on this auspicious day of Green-Shield Academy.With Gods grace and your co-operation Green-Shield can only become better and greater.

Thank you,
And Epluribus Unum.

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